VR app „Walk on Mars” – educational VR app
Trias Avi Sp. z o. o. / City of Jasło
VR App
Oculus Quest 2
Educational VR app
For the order of the City of Jasło and Trias Avi, we developed a VR app, which allows the viewer to take a walk on the surface of Mars and to the research station. For the project, we created the scenario and visual concept in two language versions (PL and EN).
Walk on Mars – discover the Red Planet
The player can move between panoramas by clicking on the arrows with the controller. Each panorama contains two Mars-related fun facts. During the virtual walk, the player can learn about the Red Planet’s past, whether there was water or potential life on Mars. The VR app also features information about the planet’s atmosphere, the most interesting missions to Mars as well as the possibility of creating a Martian base.
The app will be presented in an exhibition hall at the Centre for Technology, Culture and Entrepreneurship in Jasło, within the framework of the „Revitalisation of the City of Jasło as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship” project.